Colon Hydrotherapy
Referred to as colonics, or colon irrigation. All of these are names for hydrotherapy which uses water for inner cleansing.
Colon Hydrotherapy is gentle, clean and relaxing. A soothing flow of purified water is instilled gently into the colon through a disposable nozzle / rectal tube, that is the “size-of-a-pencil”, is easily inserted into the rectum to cleanse (evacuate) the contents of your lower colon. The pressure, temperature and flow of water can all be regulated throughout the procedure. There is no odor.
What you can expect:
The technique utilized allows a small amount of water to flow into the colon gently stimulating the colon’s natural peristaltic action to release softened waste. The inflow of water and the release of waste may be repeated many times. During the session, most upper clothing can be kept on – You will be draped to always ensure your modesty. Your dignity is always maintained.
A doctor’s prescription is required in Texas for a colon hydrotherapy session. You can obtain a prescription from your personal physician or use our medical director. (fee $50)
Client/patient undresses from the waist down and will be properly draped throughout the session. The nozzle / rectal tube is gently and easily inserted, the “size of a pencil,” single use, and disposable. The LIBBE* Device is comfortable and may be operated in privacy for those who prefer solitude.

Temperature controlled water flows through a carbon filter which removes sediment, rust, and chlorine. The client/patient controls the rate of the water from the gravity-fed column by a Flow Control Knob. The water is purified by an Ultra Violet -Water Purification System, before it passes through the nozzle / rectal tube, and gently into the client/ patient. Purified Water flows in…. feces flows out, when the client feels the need to release.
The water used during the session at a safely controlled temperature of 98º F to 102ºF. (Water is temperature controlled and can be safely adjusted to client/patient comfort.)
An odor exhaust system insures that the session room and entire center remains totally odor free. A rinsing sprayer is available for the client at the end of the session.
Therapist is available to monitor and assist the client as needed. A session lasts approximately 45 minutes. After each session the LIBBE is easily and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.